Where your photography is seen, used, and loved by the world

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Elegant woman in white dress with hat and bag by a minimalistic white structure.

Photographed by Anna Chek

Why photographers love sharing their work on Pexels

Why photographers love sharing their work on Pexels

I was truly baffled by how many people saw my work, and downloaded it, in such a short space of time. It still blows my mind. I could be the poster child for imposter syndrome, but seeing how many people appreciate the small things I do really helps me. I get enquiries and connections every day now. It’s a crazy community and I just love it.

Mathilde Langevin

Content creator, Photographer

We don’t really do that for the donations, we do it because we made a lot of connections. There’s been a lot of cool stories of people who have reached out to us, let us know how that photo inspired them in some way. Pexels is a great home base for us. Even brands have found us through Pexels, because they were looking up a photo and then found our family.

Josh and Care Willink

Content creator, Photographer

I didn’t know what I was expecting just posting these things, but I definitely wasn’t expecting to get a contract with Samsung with my photos on a phone ad. That was so ridiculous and really cool to be a part of. It shows that it’s kind of limitless on the platform in a way.

Zachary DeBottis

Content creator, Photographer

With Pexels you get tons of downloads, and the best part is that a lot of them will reach out to you and say ‘Thank you for your photo’, and a lot of people will actually give donations. You’ll get something from it: whether it’s recognition, appreciation, or even coffee.


Content creator, Photographer


Pexels content in the wild

A bunch of grateful artists, entrepreneurs, non-for-profits, marketers and creators from all over the world use these photos to bring their stories and ideas to life — without you, this wouldn't be possible.


Nina Hill

Won an all inclusive trip to NYC to celebrate World Photography Day with Pexels and Peerspace


Markus Spiske

Photo purchased by Spotify for their creatives program


Tom Fisk

Videos used by Netflix for their series Our Greatest National Parks narrated by Barack Obama


Irina Iriser

Photos featured on major websites like Forbes, ABC, Canva, and Wikipedia


Marina Chalom

Winner of the Diversity Through The Lens Challenge had their winning photos displayed in two subway stations in São Paulo, Brazil


Jonathan Cooper

Passport to Canada challenge winning photo painted by a local Canadian artist Janna Wilton


International Fund for Animal Welfare

In partnership with IFAW, the photo challenge winners had their photos printed and displayed in live photo exhibits in Vancouver, Beijing, London and Sydney


Josh Willink

Photo used as the inspiration for the book cover of a parenting book written by Alice Hanscam

Sharing your photos and videos on Pexels, you make them accessible for 1M+ users a day.

Pexels Contributors have found their photos in online magazines, book covers, drawings, exhibitions, etc.

How it works


You share your work

Select and share your photos and videos you want the world to see, use, and love. You have a limit of 10 photos and videos you can upload per day, so show the world the best you’ve got.


We review and curate

Our team of passionate photographers and artists personally reviews every photo and video — highlighting all of the outstanding work shared on Pexels.


We make it discoverable

Millions of searches happen daily on Pexels, and your photos and videos might appear in those search results. We add keywords that describe each photo to make the content you upload more discoverable.


The world finds it

Your photos and videos are viewed, downloaded, and loved across Pexels and our partners — reaching millions of people each month.

Free Elegant woman in white dress with hat and bag by a minimalistic white structure. Stock Photo

Photographed by Anna Chek

When creativity is shared and used freely, everyone wins.